This is our Journal's database. Journals served as our diary, as such, all our researches, written works, personal experiences, and opinions as well as those of others are contained in this section. All of them are ghost-related articles, of course. They are arranged from Newest to Oldest.
If you have a possible hypothesis or belief that is related to ghosts or the paranormal, you may share it with us. We are open-minded individuals and may post your article providing that it does not go beyond the boundaries of reason. Please use the submit link to send it to us.
Was 9-11 and Beyond encoded in a book meant to guide us all? A Book Copyrighted 4 Years before the Events by Donald Ryles PhD, CH
A Study on Ghosts by AL2Fenrir
Ouija: A Research by GPrincess
The Hampton Court Palace Ghost by Jen
A Short Treatise on the Reality of God by Richard E. Franing
The Astral Plane by AL2Fenrir
The Mystery of EVP by Stephen
Santa Fe's 1st Judicial District Courthouse Mystery Solved? by Benjamin Radford
What was it at Santa Fe's 1st Judicial District Courthouse? by Gabriel
The Ghost of Jim Morrison by AL2Fenrir
The Secrets and Hauntings of Glamis Castle by Stephen