
Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Our Ghost

Well we moved in to the old Hawkins house mid September of 96. It is hard to come by places to rent up here in Paradise so the first one that came along we jumped at. I felt drawn to the house from the moment I first drove by it. After we moved in people started asking us if anything strange had happened. It was then that we learned the house was haunted.

Weeks went by and nothing out of the usual happened. I finally heard the baby crying in the laundry room (this was the most talked about phenomenon) only to find out it was a few kittens under the floor mewing loudly and eerily. Life went on and our ghosts were content to leave us unbothered. Until one day after I got home from work late at night around 11:30pm, everyone was in bed and asleep, I was the only one awake and I counted my tips as usual when I came home, then placed them in my sock drawer then went to bed. When I woke up I counted my tips again and found I was twelve dollars short, I counted again and the results were the same. I brushed it off assuming I was tired and had miscounted the night before.

Meanwhile my middle child lost a tooth and then dropped it down the sink. She was very upset and thought that the tooth fairy would not come to her now. My husband and I are very busy people at that time of year and forgot about her tooth falling out. I was woken up by my daughter and told in a very excited voice I might add that the tooth fairy did come to see her and had brought her twelve dollars. I immediately awoke with a jolt and told my husband about the missing tips I had lost two days earlier. I was totally shocked. I knew, I just knew it was our ghost and I was very thankful some one was looking out for our kids.

Submitted from: Jevona Livingston, Michigan, USA

