
Tuesday, December 18, 2007

A Short Treatise on the Reality of God

Note: This journal does not represent the idea of the Psionist Group as a whole and is still open for discussion.

God is the ultimate reality. He has spun the universes into existence and has created all other beings. As humans, we too had our beginning from God. Like Plato and Socrates, I believe that we pre-existed in a spiritual realm prior to being born into this world. Unfortunately the church fathers, with the exceptions of Origen and Augustine, rejected this view as an overreaction to the heresies of gnosticism and neoplatonism that threatened to subvert the Gospel. How do I know of this pre-existence? I have very faint memories of a spiritual existence before being born into this world. My children spoke of this of this existence when they were small. I have heard of other 2-4 year old children being able to talk of their own pre-existence in the spiritual realm prior to their earthly birth, when carefully questioned about it.

One couple I know of had three boys who each spoke of having been with God and the angels prior to birth without any prompting from their parents when they were small. Evidently as people age and develop, these memories are overlaid with countless earthly memories and are largely forgotten.

One may ask why are we here and forced to leave that spiritual realm. I believe that the answer lies in the fall of Lucifer from Heaven along with a third of the angels. It is my own belief that human spirits were originally intended to be part of Lucifer's cadre in the spiritual realm. Once Lucifer fell, there was no further need for our existence in the spiritual realm, since we had been created to serve Lucifer in carrying out his heavenly responsibilities. Lucifer's disobedience led to our own eventual banishment from Heaven, even though we were not involved in his revolt against God. God in His infinite mercy has brought us to this world to perfect our redemption. He is bound by His own spiritual laws in the eternal realm, but at the temporal level, He can rewrite our destiny through His plan for our redemption. Had not Adam and Eve disobeyed God, this plan would have been much simpler and salvation would have been universal for all mankind.

When that couple listened to Lucifer rather than obey God, suddenly salvation became much more difficult. Man had chosen sides and was no longer just an innocent bystander thus bringing condemnation on all mankind who was to be born on earth from that time forward. Man himself had sinned against God and lost his opportunity for an easier salvation. To put it in the vernacular, man really blew it.

Now man's disobedience had to dealt with in a manner satisfying God, fulfilling the new parameters now required for our salvation and permit our return to the spiritual realm (Heaven) after leaving this earthly sojourn. Christ, the second person of the Godhead, came to earth in the form of a man to die a sacrificial death for our redemption so that by believing in Him and on His death, we can be redeemed and made new spiritual beings fit for His kingdom. Through Christ, the Holy Spirit creates us anew and we are reshaped into His image, no longer designed to follow after Lucifer and his entourage.

Praise be to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit for their gift of salvation through the Son's loving sacrifice of Himself on the cross, the Father's willingness to send Him and the Spirit's perseverance in causing us to believe.

Some have a difficult time grasping the concept of the Trinity. The Trinity is the three distinct, separate, yet simultaneously occurring dynamic states in which God exists and through which He expresses Himself. It may be easier to understand the Trinity by the functions they perform. The Father is the Creator of His creation. The Son controls the interface relationship between the Creator and His creation. The Holy Spirit permeates the creation carrying out the will of the Father and the Son.

Others may ask how does God create worlds and universes, i.e. this temporal existence. I believe the new physics gives us an insight into God's methods. The big bang which began our universe was caused by a large quantum fluctuation. These fluctuations are believed by some cosmologists to be power spikes in a tremendous quantum field of incredible intensity. Since there are undoubtedly many of these power spikes, and at the top of each powerful enough spike is a created universe, there are probably many overlapping sister universes to our universe in existence at this very moment. They are separated from each other only by the different quantum time value that each universe possesses. Thus we can not see or sense them nor can they see or sense us. You may ask how does God fit into the overall scheme of these things. I truly believe that the energy that creates and drives this quantum field issues forth from the mind of God even as He speaks the Word. The beauty of God and His methods is that while we may seem far removed from where God is, He is only a prayer away. He loves us and cares for us, who believe on His dear Son, and longs that all mankind will come to a saving faith in His beloved Son; but God wants our love freely given and not given through coercion. He gives us His Holy Spirit to guide us and lead us into paths of righteousness for His namesake. All that is required of us is simple faith in our living Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

I look forward to the day that I return to the spiritual realm from which we have come and can worship, adore, praise and glorify Him forever. Our Lord made a way back where there was no way, so that we may dwell with Him and enjoy Him forever. Praise be to God that He has not left us nor forsaken us, but through His death established His plan for our salvation when we come to believe on His shed blood.

Hallelujah, God is truly great and greatly to be worshiped in spirit and truth.

In awe of the Living God
Richard E. Franing


Anonymous said...

This journal was published with permission from Mr. Richard Franing. This is open for discussion.

Peeps, it looks like the guy knows a lot about God.

Psionist Member

Anonymous said...

Why did you include this here? It's not ghost-related.

Anyway, the way I see it, well, it's all pretty blurry.

Anonymous said...

Believe me, it is related.

Ghosts, spirits, and God are all mysterious entities.

Anonymous said...

It's all pretty confusing really. God gave us free will, we failed the test, and all of it only to be a part of His will?

Anonymous said...

It's easier to understand ghosts and spirits than understanding God.

Our brains are too puny to even understand God.

Anonymous said...

On top of that, it's even impossible to prove that God exists.

You cannot rely on science on this. You need faith.

Anonymous said...

"human spirits were originally intended to be part of Lucifer's cadre in the spiritual realm"

-I don't believe this is the case. God need people to fill the earth. It was God's intention since the beginning. Moreover, Lucifer's rebellion took place earlier even before man was created.

"The big bang which began our universe was caused by a large quantum fluctuation. These fluctuations are believed by some cosmologists to be power spikes in a tremendous quantum field of incredible intensity."

-This is totally out of science. What is your proof?

Anonymous said...

There are too many theories surrounding God but none of them has any proof.

Thus, I must say, this discussion is going nowhere.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps, but a probable theory nonetheless. I would also like to let you guys know that me and Mr. Franing had ideas that are almost similar. Now, could that be all just coincidence?

Anonymous said...

Nah, it's just coincidence.

Anonymous said...

I like Mr. Franing's idea. It kind of relates to what I believe in.. no, not just something I believed in.. it relates to what I had experienced.

That experience was totally paranormal and it gave me a firm belief on God.
