
Friday, January 11, 2008

Floating Dog Head

I was at a friends house, Angela and Keith, on my birthday, with Keith's daughter, Jo, her fiancee Rob and my boyfriend Glen. The house was built upon 2 laylines, and has a history of paranormal activity.

With the celebrations, and the friends I was with, we were smoking some pot. Not something I made a habit of.

Later on in the evening, Jo was looking outside and started screaming saying she's seen a ghost. I didn't see anything. My head was under the effects of the drug, but I could still see clearly. But once they left the room, I was there all by myself, not really wanting to move. I felt something watching me from the window. I turned around and saw a white dog's head at the window, too high up for any dog to reach. I freaked out and wandered into the other room.

I'd have attributed my experience to the pot, apart from what I was told afterwards.

Once I'd calmed down I explained to everyone what I saw, and Angela looked at Keith with her mouth open. Keith told me that both Angela and his ex-wife had seen dog heads with wings at the window ABOVE where I'd seen my floating dog's head. He hadn't believed his ex-wife (then current wife) but when Angela saw them on a separate occasion without having heard about them previous. And then I'd seen them too. I don't remember seeing any wings, but I remember the pale dog's face at the dark window.

Submitted from: Alex H, North Yorkshire, Alinblack@gmail(dot)com

