
Sunday, January 20, 2008

Strange Happenings

I have just a few things to add about number 13 as my son, Alex H has already told you most of what went on. I can remember our cat suddenly backing up and hissing and one of our 2 dogs barking furiously at something we couldn't see, which happened a lot. A wall plaque of a horse fell off the wall for no reason we could think of.

One night when I was half asleep, a thought came into mind, did I want to be called Grandma or Nanna, no I thought Nan will be nice. The next day my eldest daughter rang, she said she had good news and I told her "I know you're pregnant", she couldn’t understand how I knew and I couldn't either. Another time my younger daughter rang me a few years later she said I have 3 things to tell you, I replied "Yes you're pregnant, you're getting married and you want me to give my blessing for you to see your father, why ask if you can see him if you’ve been seeing him for a long time without asking me before?". Well, my daughter was stunned as to how I knew and so was I.

After number 13 we moved to number 5 on the same road, both my husband and I have seen ghost cats at both houses, it's strange as they seem to move with us wherever we go and although we have moved again this time to number 8 but a bungalow that is only about 30 years old, we have still seen them. At 5 my husband went to see who was knocking at the back door which had a security light, no one was there and no light was on. One evening at number 5, I was reading a book when out of the corner of my eye I saw a black shadow standing beside me, but when I turned to look, it vanished. One evening just before Christmas my husband and sons where putting up decorations, I was holding a small tub, we kept drawing pins in, I put the tubs lid on a small table while I handed out the pins, when we'd finished, I went to get the lid and it had vanished. We looked everywhere for it and gave up, but a couple of hours later it was back on the table where I had put it earlier.

At number 8 in our bedroom, a framed picture on a cabinet suddenly fell off, and a few days later a small ornament fell off a chest of draws. But in the past few weeks we've found both bedside lights on, the light in the garage on, a clock which needed a new battery started working again then stopped a week later. One bedroom light on again and noises like doors shutting or opening. My father who passed away in 97 had a few things happen to him, and also my youngest daughter as Alex H has said, but she also had things being moved and things found on the floor most mornings. She saw Alex's twin sister a few times, starting at the foot of her bed, then standing beside her bed, then actually waking her up by stroking her face. She was terrified, I told her not to worry as it wouldn't harm her. A young friend who comes to visit us has experienced a few times, something was standing behind her watching her while she has been sat on the couch.

Related Story: The Shadowman

Submitted from: Lee H, octobersky@aol(dot)com, North Yorkshire


Anonymous said...

You have the gift of precognition and clairvoyance, Lee.

However, we also think that the spirits that follow you may not be in a single household but rather in the entire village itself. Alex did mention that the ground on which the houses stood were former castle grounds, and who knows what history it holds.

Sometimes, what you might think as an entity may be residual energies. Of people and animal that once lived there. For why they return to haunt the place is a mystery. But one thing is for sure, you and your children have the ability to perceive the past.

GPrincess told me this as we were talking about your stories. That's the theory we could shoot out right now.

Psionist Member

Anonymous said...

She also mentioned about moving objects, and dog and cats reacting to it, as if they've seen a thing. It's poltergeist phenomena, isn't it? Something in there must be causing it. What if we refer them to TAPS? The place seems like a good place to investigate.

Psionist Member

Anonymous said...

Hmm.. perhaps, well, I admire your enthusiasm, Jen, but TAPS may demand an evidence, moreover, we don't have Lee's permission for an investigation.

Besides, the stories are enough to earn my trust. It's not that because I am an open mind but because of the details, which are similar to the claims of thousands of others. And as you can see, the more similar it is, the more authentic it becomes. This is how claims base on actual experience alone are verified.

As for Poltergeist phenomena. A residual energy may also cause it. I don't know how but I think it has something to do with the change in the Electro-magnetic field.

Also note that spirits don't have a body.. they are formless.. they are energies that were leaked from the other world, or left by the dead. These essence are easily perceived by people who have what we call, the "sixth sense" or ESP.

Psionist Member

Anonymous said...

Stephen: The villiage wasn't built on the castle grounds, but it was built with the stone FROM the castle, the actual castle grounds are located near the local cemetary.

I think they were the same entities, as 13 was the oldest house, and number 8 is the newest of the three. But there were other houses that had ghosts, such as my friends (From the 'A Family of Ghosts' story).

Jen: I doubt TAPS would come to the UK to check it out. And I don't think it's a poltergeist, I think it's an intelligent haunting.

Anonymous said...

The whole village haunting may sound ludicrous but did you all know that spirits are not the ones residing in your territories but it's us that resides on their domain?

They are actually like us. Living an everyday life, who also play, converse, etc. They have castles, and houses too. The only difference is that they are on a different level of existence.

Anonymous said...

I've heard of stories like that... but that theory defies the classical ghost/spirit theory.

Moreover, this sounds like the parallel universe theory.

It's so confusing... Could it be that the parallel universe is a world composed of thoughts and emotions?

Psionist Member

Anonymous said...

I don't think it's anything to do with a parallell universe or anyhting personally.

I grew up in that villiage, and there were always stories and sightings.

One recurring sighting was of a bride at the town hall. Aparrently she was killed in her wedding dress after the wedding itself. And quite a few people have seen her outside the town hall late at night, which is the sign of a residual haunting.

Some of the hauntings were residual, and others were intelligent. If they were all intelligent hauntings, then the parralell universe theory might have worked. But with there being residual hauntings it shows that there's more going on.

Anonymous said...

The parallel universe theory is actually not even a theory yet. It's an hypothesis made by quantum physicists - scientist who deals with Quantum Physics (would you believe Einstein was one of them?) It's known as the multiverse hypothesis.

Even scientists at T.O. (topic origins) were silenced by this argument when my friend posted it on their usenet group. Why? There were actual proofs where an emperical study could be drawn.

Search for WMAP Cold Spot and Cold Spot. Cold spots in space mapped by WMAP (A NASA satellite) is identical to the Cold spots found on haunted locations. Scientists believed that Cold Spots are possible proof of the existence of a multiverse.
