
Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Visitor

In February of this year I was staying at my grandma's house, what I am about to share with you sent chills down my spine and up my arms before she could even begin her story. It was in the middle of the night when she kept hearing my bedroom door slam and then the bathroom door would follow with a slam as well. She continued by saying this went on several times more, and then she heard me scream, "Get the f--- out of here." She then jumped up, ran to my room, I was sound asleep and so was my 3 yr. old, right next to me. After checking on me she went back to her room as she sat on her bed, she was distracted by a black figure that was long starting from the top of the ceiling to the floor, it was floating away from my room. Of course my grandma turned on all the lights, started to pray. And did not disturb me.

I have my own place now. But there are nights I have to sleep with a candle lit, because I'll be walking to the bathroom and suddenly get the chills and it scares me.
what should I do? Is there something going on spiritually that I can start understanding? Or am I just being paranoid?

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Anonymous said...

It's a case of paranoia, but I believe, there's always a causative factor behind that.

It develops into Nyctophobia (Fear of the Night) over time.
